sourate al muddathir tafsir

Not only were the people around him polytheistic like the common Arabs but, more than that, the city of Makkah had become the most sacred place of pilgrimage for the polytheistic Arabs, and the Quraish were its attendants. Période de Révélation. Cependant, Nous n'en avons fixé le nombre que pour éprouver les mécréants, et aussi afin que ceux à qui le Livre a été apporté soient convaincus, et que croisse la foi de ceux qui croient, et que ceux à qui le Livre a été apporté et les croyants n'aient point de doute; et pour que ceux qui ont au cœur quelque maladie ainsi que les mécréants disent : "Qu'a donc voulu Allah par cette parabole ? " This verse purports to say that whoever has these characteristics, including denial of the Day of Requital, is an infidel. That is, Allah in this very way sometimes sends down in the course of His revelations and commandments such things as become a means of test and trial for the people. [74:34] and by the morning when it becomes bright, [74:35] it (saqar: Hell) is one of the greatest things. 15. (As if they were wild donkeys. Then what is [the matter] with them that they are, from the reminder, turning away, Ka annahum humurum mustanfirah50. [74:46] and used to deny the Day of Requital, [74:47] until when we were overtaken by that which is certain.”. by / dimanche, 28 février 2021 / Published in Uncategorized . 21. In these verses, this very scheming of the Quraish has been reviewed, and the review has begun with the words, as if to say: You may act as you please, but even if you succeed in achieving your object by these devices in the world, how will you save yourselves from your evil end on the Day when the Trumpet will be sounded and Resurrection will be established. This is similar to Allah’s statement. [74:19] Death onto him! Al-Fatiha (arabe : سُّورَةُ الفَاتِحَة, Sūrat al-Fātiḥah) est la sourate d'ouverture du Coran, le livre sacré des musulmans.Composée de sept versets, elle met l'accent sur la souveraineté et la miséricorde d'Allah.. La Fatiha est dans le premier hizb et donc dans le premier juz', qui sont des divisions du Coran en parties distinctes. 9,807 views. According to a narration of Sayyidna Ibn ` Abbas, it signifies ‘any sin’. Clearly, Al-Muzzammil and Al-Muddaththir, are near-synonyms. The second meaning is: Although the mission of Prophethood that you are performing is a great favor in itself, for the people are obtaining true guidance because of it, do not remind the people of this favor, nor try to obtain any personal benefits from it. Along with that he was given this instruction: The demand of the Unique mission that you have to perform, now is that your life should be pure in every respect and you should carry out the duty of reforming your people sincerely irrespective of any worldly gain. the Prayer. meaning, he came out of the womb of his mother alone, without any wealth or children. First, we have not been able to see anywhere in the existing scriptures of the Jews and Christians in spite of search that the number of the angels appointed over Hell is 19. But in order to devise an excuse for saying so, he argued, ‘Do you not see how his speech separates husband from wife, brother from brother and father from son? 74/Al-Muddathir-14: Et Je lui ai donné des bienfaits en abondance. Verily, his speech is from the Words of Allah!’ So when a group of the Quraysh heard this they gathered and said, `By Allah, if Al-Walid converts (to Islam) all of the Quraysh will convert.’ When Abu Jahl bin Hisham heard this he said, `By Allah, I will deal with him for you.’ So he went to Al-Walid’s house and entered upon him. Therefore, they have received the titles of nadhir and bashir. But the denier of the Hereafter who is not at all serious in his search for the truth, will present ever new demands every day for not believing, and will present a new excuse for his denial even if all his demands are fulfilled. And by the night when it withdraws.) Leave Me with the one I created alone, Wa ja’altu lahoo maalam mamdoodaa12. In vv. Then, when this news reached the Prophet , he became grieved, covered his head and wrapped himself up. Dialogue between Abu Jahl And Walid: They Concur on the Holy Prophet’s VeracityAbu Jahl went to Walid and sat next to him, pretending to be very sad. Tafsir Coran de Sourate Al Asr Appuyer sur le bouton de lecture ci-dessous pour écouter le Tafsir. But they do not fear the Hereafter. De plus, c’est Notre responsabilité d’en expliquer le sens". In haazaaa illaa qawlul bashar25. It must not be made in such a way as the sacred law does not permit. Then I came to my family and said to them, `Wrap me up, wrap me up! Surah Az Zukhruf 44. (And worship your Lord until there comes unto you the certainty.) The historical background of this part of Surah Al-Muddaththir is well known to us from authentic traditions. That is, the people have been warned to this effect. Its one meaning is that there is still no end to his greed. Surah Al Burooj 86. 1. That is, it is foolish on your part to compare the angelic powers to human powers. Autrement dit, n'obligez personne à se convertir à l'Islam, qui est une religion claire et nette, fondée sur des preuves tangibles et concluantes. Interprétation de la sourate - Tafsir Smaïl abn Kathir, © Copyright 2021 - L'  - La religion Véridique, ۞ سُبْحَانَ اللَِه وَ بِحَمدِهِ عَـدَدَ خَلْقِهِ وَ رِضَا نَفْسِهِ وزِنَةَ عَرْشِهِ و مِدَادَ كَلِمَاتِه ۞      ۞ يُريِدُونَ لِيُطۡفِٔــُٔو نُورَ اؐللهِ بِأَفۡـوَٰهِهِمۡ وَ اؐللهُ مُتِمُّ نُورِهِ ۧ وِلَوۡ كَرِهَ اؐلكـٰفِـرُونَ ۞       ۞ هُوَ اؐلَّذِىۤ أَرۡسَلَ رَسُولَهُ ۥ بِاؐلۡهُدَىٰ وَ دِينِ اؐلۡحَقِّ لِيُظۡهِرَهُ ۥ عَلَى اؐلدِّينِ كُـلِّهِ ۦ وَ لَوۡكَرِهَ اؐلۡمُشۡرِكُونَ, Sourate Ar-Rahmân (Le Très Miséricordieux), Sourate At-Takâthur (La course aux richesses). (Then he frowned and he looked in a bad tempered way.) )” Qatadah said, “They claim that he (Al-Walid) said, `By Allah, I thought about what the man says, and it is not poetry. Now they have learnt that you visit Muhammad t and son of Abu Quhafah [ie Sayyidna Abu Bakr 4] so that you may have some eatables from them, and to this end you flatter them. If a person happened to put on neat clothes, he was looked upon as a worldly man, whereas the fact is that human nature abhors filth and uncleanness and even a person of ordinary fine taste loves to be associated only with a neat and clean person. And Allah knows best! This is as Allah says. 2 (Quran) 22:45 04. The adhan (call to prayer) begins with the proclamation of Allahu Akbar. The society in which the Prophet (peace be upon him) had arisen with the invitation to Islam, was not only steeped in the evils of unbelief and immorality, but was also devoid of even the most elementary concepts of purity and cleanliness, and the Prophet’s (peace be upon him) task was to teach its members cleanliness in every way of life. And magnify your Lord. The allergy of the infidels against the Holy Qur’an has been mentioned in verses 50 and 51 in the following words, فَرَّتْ مِنْ قَسْوَرَةٍ كَاَنَّهُمْ حُمُرٌ مُّسْتَنْفِرَةٌ “as if they were wild donkeys, fleeing from a lion?” The word qaswarah used in verse 51 has two meanings: [1] a ‘lion’; and [2] an ‘archer’ or a ‘hunter’. “Indeed, the Qur’an is a reminder”Surah Muddathir Ayat 54, Bismillah Hir Rahman Nir Raheem In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful. Surah Hud 12. Over it are nineteen [angels]. Lire Sourate Al- Moulk en arabe et en français avec . If a person ponders over these brief sentences and their meaning his heart will testify that no better instructions could be given to a Prophet at the commencement of his prophetic mission. )” That angel was Jibril, who had came to him with Allah’s statement. Arising of a person in such a place all by himself and proclaiming the Oneness of God in the face of polytheism was full of risks. Avec méthode et clarté, Rachid Benzine met à la portée de tous les clés de sa lecture et de sa compréhension.Comment la révélation du Coran est-elle survenue ? Dans quel monde est-il apparu ? A qui s’adresse-t-il ? After exposing his evil nature, it has been said: “Notwithstanding such evil inclinations and misdeeds, this person desires that he should be further blessed, whereas he has now become worthy of Hell, and never of further blessings.”. On this very basis it was to be expected of the Jews and the Christians that they would be convinced of the Prophet Muhammad’s (peace be upon him) truth for only a Prophet could present an apparently strange thing without any hesitation before the people in an environment charged with antagonism and hostility. Sourate 67. Ce nom ne désigne pas pour autant le thème de la Sourate. Then Walid said, ‘You say that he is a poet. In this connection, his mental conflict has been portrayed, telling that, on the one hand, he was fully convinced of the truth of Muhammad (upon whom be Allah’s peace and blessings) and the Qur’an, but, on the other, he did not want to risk his leadership and position among his people. Rédigée en arabe comme l'ensemble de l'œuvre religieuse, elle fut proclamée, selon la tradition musulmane, durant la période médinoise. 00:00. 5. La plupart des sourates, à partir de celle-ci jusqu’à la fin du Coran, d’après leur style et leur contenu, semblent avoir été révélées après les sept premiers versets de sourate Al-Muddathir, en une période où la Révélation du Coran se succéda comme une averse de pluie. And these letters should be such as may convince them that they have been written by Allah Himself. This is because intercession is only useful if the conditions for it are met. Surah Al-Muddaththir lays down the following six injunctions: Injunction [1]قُمْ فَاَنْذِرْ (stand up and warn…74:2) ‘Stand up’ could be taken in its primary sense. In every age the greater majority by far has been of those people, who have been involved in the doubt whether there is God, or no God, Hereafter or no Hereafter, whether Heaven and Hell really exist, or are mere figments of the imagination, and whether the Messengers did really come and receive revelation or not. The third meaning is: Although you are performing a great service, you should never gloat over it, nor should ever have the idea that by performing your prophetic duties, at the risk of life, you are doing any favor to your Lord. 95 61 As Saff 1 7 76 + 75 Al Insan + Al Qiyama Surah Ankabut 30. For the disbelievers – not easy. Therefore, it is very likely that the two Surahs might have been revealed in connection with the same incident – when the Holy Prophet, whilst walking, heard a voice from the sky and saw Jibra’il Amin sitting on a chair between the sky and the earth, and then went to the house and wrapped himself in a mantle. 3 . So Allah revealed, (O you wrapped up! 1. For a person who has any common sense knows that there is no rational ground whatever for denying the possibility of the existence of these things, or of declaring them absolutely impossible. We put our trust in Allah.”) It has been recorded like this by Imam Ahmad on the authority of Asbat. comme mentionné dans l'introduction de la sourate Al-Muddathir. Summa nazar21. The pagans of Arabia were unaware of the unique distinction of the Prophets, but the followers of the earlier scriptures were fully aware that the Prophets in every age used to convey to their people intact whatever they received from God, whether it pleased them or displeased them. And [by] the night when it departs. Surah At Tariq is the 86th chapter of the Quran and the meaning of this Surah is "The Piercing Star", "The Nightcomer", or literally "The Knocker". So I lifted my gaze towards the sky and saw the same angel who had come to me in the cave of Hira’. Then he considered [again]; Summa ‘abasa wa basar22. Surah Mu'Minoon 24. You praise their speech. Surah Al Bayyina 99. A la fin de ma retraite, je descendis. A study of the background of the revelation of these verses given in the introduction above can help one understand why the Prophet (peace be upon him) on this occasion has been addressed with Ya ayyuhal-Muddaththiru instead of Ya ayyuhar-Rasulu (O Messenger), or Ya ayyuhan-Nabiyyu (O Prophet). (and that the believers may increase in faith.) (While I was walking I heard a voice from the sky. meaning, they were only corrupted by their lack of faith in it and their rejection of its occurrence. Their objection was: How strange that, on the one hand, we are told that all human beings, from the time of the Prophet Adam till Resurrection, who disbelieved and committed evil, will be cast into Hell, and, on the other hand, that there will be only 19 keepers, who will administer punishment to the countless numbers of men in such a huge Hell. And uncleanliness avoid, Wa laa tamnun tastaksir6. Its most prominent example is the event of the miraj (ascension) which he related openly before a general assembly of the disbelievers and did not at all care how his opponents would behave and react after they had heard the story of the wonderful event. Thus I will put an end to all nineteen of them.’ On this occasion, this verse was revealed. (Then what is wrong with them that they turn away from admonition) meaning, `what is wrong with these disbelievers who are turning away from what you are calling them to and reminding them of’. Your bestowal of an endowment and donation, your generosity and good treatment should be only for the sake of Allah: there should be no trace in it of the desire that you should receive any worldly gains in return for the favor done. As for the question what is implied by the disease of the heart here, its answer is that it implies the disease of doubt. (74:27) And what do you know what Hell is? The two forms of address, al-Muzzammil and al-Muddaththir, are near-synonyms. Tafsir Sourate al - Kahf Cours II mp3 Duration 2:00. Sourate Al Muzzammil : explication de la sourate et ses bienfaits. La sourate Al Baqara (البقرة en arabe) est la deuxième sourate du Saint Livre suivant la sourate d'Ouverture Al-Fatiha. Then he desires that I should add more. Selon Jâbir ben Abdallah, l'Envoyé a dit : "J'étais allé faire une retraite à Hirâ'. This book contains immense wisdom with timeless stories and teachings. meaning, severe. As for example, if a person wants to become a thief, only his desire is not enough that he may enter into any house he likes and walk away with whatever he likes, but he can fulfill his desire only at the time and to the extent and in the form that Allah allows him to fulfill it, according to His supreme wisdom and expedience. But this view is not correct for several reasons. Tafsîr Sourate Al Muddathir, Pt. O you who covers himself [with a garment], Wa rabbaka fakabbir3. Sourate An Naba . This can have two meanings: first, that it will burn to ashes whoever is cast into it, but even after death he will not escape from punishment: he will be given life once again and burnt once again, This very subject has been treated at another place thus: He will neither die in it nor live.

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