565.) Todo objeto científico existe somente quando em ligação estreita com uma técnica que o fabrica e que torna factível e legítimo seu descobrimento posterior, além de garantir a coerência interna das doutrinas científicas. This evolved method itself contributes to phenomenography. La . Il est impossible de comprendre la science actuelle si on ne comprend pas la relation entre la phénoménotechnique et les . Even though a number of French philosophers have developed views and concepts about technology during the twentieth century, “philosophy of technology” has never been established as a legitimate branch of philosophy in the French academic landscape so far. 20 — Généalogie du virtuel : philosophie, optique, informatique Gaston Bachelards „fein gewirkte Pädagogik“, Phenomenotechnique and conceptualization in the epistemology of Gaston Bachelard, Beyond habermas: Democracy, knowledge, and the public sphere, Cowboy, Cataloguer, Methodist, Magician, and Master: Gestalts of Analysis and Design, Realizing Instruments: Performativity in Emissions Trading and Citizen Panels, Triple Negative Breast Cancer’: Translational Research and the (Re)Assembling of Diseases in Post-Genomic Medicine, Stud Hist Philos Sci C Stud Hist Philos Biol Biomed Sci, The Production of Objectified Factuality Within the Facticity of Scientific Inquiry, O aspecto social das ciências e a defesa da educação: Uma leitura contemporânea da epistemologia histórica de Gaston Bachelard, Cognition and Volition: Two Aspects of the Human in the Age of Experimental Systems, In Brains We Trust. Though historical in perspective and methodology, this paper involves Cependant, même le fait brut est imprégné de théorie, même s'il peut s'agir d'une théorie pré . Trouvé à l'intérieur â Page 9Autour de Bachelard et Merleau-Ponty Hieronimus Gilles, Lamy Julien (éd.) ... elle ouvre également à la dimension proprement philosophique d'une théorie de la connaissance qui soit « phénoménotechnique » et donc postâphénoménologique, ... We track three ontological transformations, examining how members prepared for and responded to changes: the discovery of a novel retroviral agent (HIV), the ability to test for that agent, and the transition of the disease from fatal to chronic through pharmaceutical intervention. The book concludes with some reflections on the relationship between philosophy and the history of science. Trouvé à l'intérieur â Page 900Dans le monde moderne pour en venir aux moments caractéristiques â le partage que présente Foucault a des traits qui ressemblent à la phénoménotechnique de Bachelard . Explicitons ce concept par un exemple tiré de La volonté de savoir . This is one of the key conditions of success for modern science: by reducing, simplifying and purifying a complex macrocosm of 'reality out there', already before any experiences are made, it makes specific phenomena experimentally demonstrable and knowable that would otherwise always be overwhelmed by the complexity of actual interactions and continuous change. Canguilhem introduced the notions of biological normativity and social normativity, which govern the relation of organisms and their mi-lieus and can be regarded as original sources for value and normative orders. The Althusserian school has exclusively focused on the concept of ‘epistemological break’, while scholars from Science & Technology Studies (STS), such as Bruno Latour, seem to have only taken up the concept of phenomenotechnique. The numerous contributions of the Greeks, in philosophy, mathematics, geometry, geography and astronomy, momentous as they were, were fruits of leisure rather than industry. The neopragmatist institutionalist approach of economics of convention (in short EC) still is in need of a conception of health that enables EC to work out a critical stand-point in the analysis of health care institutions. The study employs ideas from historical ontology in tracing the contested production of truth-claims about exploration in the context of scientific uncertainty. Depuis Kant, nous savons que l'objet est en partie construit par le sujet et que notre connaissance du monde est moins le reflet de celui-ci que le résultat combiné de ce que nous recevons de la perception et de . In the 1930s he shaped a future for chemistry modelled on mathematics, in La philosophie du non (1940) and in Le matèrialisme rationnel (1953), he forged a new ontology named "metachemistry" (1940) and a new anthropology (1953). ... Constituted by the river, the virus and the time of pollution, Allahabad's cosmotechnical constellation generates 'particular, concrete forms of life'. Trouvé à l'intérieur â Page 64Rheinberger reassessed the relation between science and technology, especially in the laboratory, drawing on Gaston Bachelard's phénoménotechnique and Bruno Latour's technoscience, that is, on theoretical sources that escaped Habermas's ... Trouvé à l'intérieur â Page 17Comme le dit Bachelard : « la nouménologie éclaire une phénoménotechnique par laquelle les phénomènes ne sont pas simplement trouvés, mais inventés, construits de toute pièce.»8 C'est dire que la nouménologie mathématique ne fait pas ... For Habermas, the tension between the administrative power of the state, with its understanding of sovereignty, and the emerging institutions of the bourgeoisie-coffee houses, periodicals, encyclopedias, literary culture, etc.-was seen as being mediated by the public sphere, making it a symbolic site of public reasoning. This paper considers the theoretical circumstances that urged Michel Foucault to analyse modern societies in terms of biopower. In contrast to that the epistemological break, the notion of phenomenotechnique is still very popular. These five Gestalts of analysis/design, the cowboy, the cataloguer, the methodist, the magician, and the master are described as parallel Gestalts at the field or theme level of the categories and as development life cycles. The importance given by historian and philosopher of science Georges Canguilhem (1904–1995) to the role of practice, techniques, and experimentation in concept-formation was largely overlooked by commentators. Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, A dialogical philosophy: Bachelard's Introduction to "Le Rationalisme appliqué", Bachelard e Freud: fenomenotécnica e psicanálise, Bachelard and Freud: Phenomenotechnique and psychoanalysis, Iconoclasm and Imagination: Gaston Bachelard’s Philosophy of Technoscience, Social Character of Science and Its Connection to Epistemic Reliability, Science, Common Sense and Sociological Analysis: A Critical Appreciation of the Epistemological Foundation of Field Theory, Experimental Cultures and Epistemic Spaces in Artistic Research, Organizing for ontological change: The kernel of an AIDS research infrastructure, Fenomenotecnia y conceptualización en la epistemología de Gaston Bachelard, Teaching Solar Physics in a Partnership between Formal and Non-Formal Education, Metode mellom forskning og læring: Refleksjon i praksis / Method between research and learning – Reflection in practice, Exploring the constitution of biomedicine through the lens of science and technology studies. Intervention de Thierry HOQUET (Professeur à l'Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3), mercredi 15 octobre 2014 de 18h30 à 20h. De par une formation intellectuelle à la fois européenne et nord-américaine, à laquelle s'ajoute une expérience de recherche internationale, l'auteur nous offre des analyses et critiques inédites sur la philosophie de Gaston Bachelard ... Psychanalyse de la raison chez Gaston Bachelard, CONGRÈS « GASTON BACHELARD TRA IMMAGINAZIONE E RÊVERIE » C.I.S.S.P.A.T. Besides the expressions of applied rationalism and instructed materialism, he elaborated the notion of phenomenotechnique, which can be regarded as one of Bachelard's most significant contribution to the philosophy of science (Bontems, 2010;Castelão-Lawless, 1995;Chimisso, 2008;Donatiello et al., 2018;Fabry, 2019;Granger, 1987;Gaukroger, 1976; ... His legacy can be found in further attempts to investigate the solidarity between theory and experiment, as illustrated, for instance, the new trend of historical epistemology which developed at the Max Planck Institute for History of Science. A short summary of this paper. 7 Septembre 1994. La conférence sera suivie d'une séance de discussion avec le public. The position of hermeneutic realism ought to be discussed against the background of the “practice turn” in the realism debate. This consideration influenced their choice of audiences away from reform-oriented intellectuals and towards those they most directly needed to convince of their project's efficacy: university administrators, government officials, and business managers. This necessary procedure leads to the sedimentation of these formal systems: we forget their source in the concrete experiences of individuals, and use them as purely technical means. Gaston Bachelard (1884-1962) was a seminal figure in contemporary French philosophy. Les humanités médicales, environnementales et numériques désignent trois champs d'application privilégiées par nos enquêtes. Gaston . The confluence (sangam) of India's two major rivers, the Ganges and the Yamuna, is located in the city of Allahabad. la ciencia inventa sus conceptos La producción de fenómenos con arreglo a esos conceptos certifica su idoneidad. Trouvé à l'intérieur â Page 191En quoi consistent , selon Bachelard , les nouveaux caractères de la science par quoi la philosophie doit consentir à se laisser instruire ? ... La science n'est pas une phénoménologie , c'est une phénoménotechnique 18. E com quais implicações, se existem, para as ciências sociais, culturais e humanas? This paper. « La phénoménotechnique étend la phénoménologie. We analyze the concept of phenomenotechnique coined by Bachelard, and its relationship to scientific rationality, then we consider the Freudian texts on the production of scientific knowledge in psychoanalysis and check the points where an approximation of the thought of these two authors can be made. La science moderne construit les phénomènes de l'intérieur plus qu . Over the years and across many changes, members have continued to study HIV disease while in the process regenerating an adaptable research organization. Bachelard was the founder of a tradition of French thinking about science that extended from Jean Cavaillès over Georges Canguilhem to Michel Foucault. Disproportionate focus on only some of the features related to this obvious fact has been used to discredit the reliability of scientific knowledge and to relativize its value when compared with knowledge stemming from other sources. Seen this way, modern science produces "its facts" on its own, which for . After placing Canguilhem’s contributions within the larger history of historical epistemology in France, and clarifying his views regarding this expression, I re-evaluate the relation between concepts and experimental practices in Canguilhem’s philosophy of science. Vie et mort du virtuel §. « phénoménotechnique » empruntée à G. Bachelard. © Association Internationale Gaston Bachelard. 20 — Généalogie du virtuel : philosophie, optique, informatique La virtualis au sens classique double le réel actualisé d'un réel virtualisé, tandis que, comme l'écrit Bachelard : « la puissance de variation phénoménotechnique est une instance nouvelle de la philosophie. It is the way he conceptualizes the relation between scientific thinking and technology in modern science. At the same time, it traces the phage in histories arcing from the ancient religious literature, to colonial disease control efforts, to today, where bacteriophages are being conceived as a potential response to the crisis of planetary antimicrobial resistance (AMR). Trouvé à l'intérieur â Page 105C'est là â me semblet-il â un bel exemple de ce que Bachelard voulait exprimer par le concept de « phénoménotechnique ». Ce qui intéressait Bachelard dans ce concept, ce n'était pas les techniques en général, mais le rôle joué par ... Bachelard apparaît alors comme le philosophe des dynamismes, de la matière comme de la pensée. Par phénoménotechnique, il faut donc entendre une technique constructiviste de manifestation des phénomènes. While the focus of much of the current research The chapter discusses the politics of experimentation in governance. Pierre Jacob estime que les héritiers de Gaston Bachelard en matière d'épistémologie ont retenu essentiellement "les quatre thèses suivantes" : 1. les instruments scientifiques sont des "théories matérialisées" (la fameuse "phénoménotechnique"). « Par phénoménotechnique », écrit Vial, « il faut donc entendre une technique constructiviste de manifestation des phénomènes ». La « science. All rights reserved. Do habits and emotions play a significant role in science? DOI:10.12957/emconstrucao.2017.28124O presente artigo pretende abordar o aspecto social das ciências na epistemologia histórica de Bachelard por meio de sua defesa e valorização da educação. L'écriture comme phénoménotechnique. Séminaire PROLOGOS: Dialogue entre Renato Boccali et Antonio Allegra autour du volume «Collezioni Figurali. The book also explores both Metzger’s immediate legacy and the relevance of her ideas for a host of current debates in science studies. How neuroeconomists stylize trust, the brain and the social world, Hélène Metzger, Historian and Historiographer of the Sciences, Particle Accelerators and Didactic Obstacles, The Cambridge Companion to Literature and Science, As Ciências Humanas na era biológica / The Human Science in a Biological Age, Rise of the Machines: Challenging Comte’s Legacy with Mechanology, Cybernetics, and the Heuristic Values of Technology, Phenomenotechnique: Bachelard’s Critical Inheritance of Conventionalism, Expertise in Methods, Methods of Expertise, Foucault, Cavaillès, and Husserl on the Historical Epistemology of the Sciences, Phenomenotechnique in Historical Perspective: Its Origins and Implications for Philosophy of Science, Bachelard and the problem of epistemological analysis. A dedicated chapter on the history of modern scientific conceptions of the universe showcases the subtle links in the fabric of seminal ideas in physics and astronomy. Without denying the importance of these two disciplines, this chapter argues that chemistry provided a number of basic concepts in his epistemology. Gaston Bachelard L'Intuition de l'instant La durée intime, c'est toujours la sagesse. More precisely, I try to answer the question how the ‘rational’ and the ‘practical’ are integrated in scientific practices. The third and final part highlights the different ways in which processes of reflection are relevant in the context of classroom studies. Este artigo pretende investigar como Bachelard torna inteligível a posição de Freud e a esclarece quanto à relação que teriam a técnica e a teoria psicanalíticas. With what consequences for the politics of life today? In any case, the social process of doing experiments is presupposed to be free and equal. Bachelard was among the first philosophers that argued that the objects of science are not discovered in an external nature, but are humanly constructed within scientific practices. Paris: Vrin. The categories resulting from the phenomenographic analysis, and which describe analyst/designers’ awareness of analysis/design, are treated as Gestalts. Il invente ce qu'il appelle la « psychanalyse de la connaissance objective . In the case of the Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study, these resources are as follows: specimens and data, calibrated instruments, heterogeneous experts, and participating cohorts of gay and bisexual men. Autrement dit, pour changer les réunions, il . Elle nous révèle, en effet, que la connaissance d'un philosophe et de sa philosophie reste subordonnée à l'étude de quelques mots que celui-ci a crées et développés selon la logique de sa pensée. The object to be known has its limits defined by the procedure that made it possible. The book is dealt in three parts, all of which examine reflection in relation to the fundamental terms method, research, and learning. Trouvé à l'intérieur â Page 6L'ingénierie didactique joue, pour la théorie des situations, le rôle de phénoménotechnique (Bachelard 1934) : il ne s'agit pas d'un but en soi. Contrairement à ce qui est parfois considéré dans une version vulgarisée, il ne s'agit pas ... This trend is a line of investigation that places primary emphasis on “the transformative-technical-pragmatic dimension of science, with its material, somatic, skillful and utilitarian aspects” (Soler et al. His philosophy of science consists of two sub-oeuvres: a psychoanalysis of technoscience, complemented by a poetics of elementary imagination. Human biology's research and popularizations would also necessarily be in tension with earlier eugenic arguments about heredity, even as they shifted the focus of concern onto the fields of human population growth, human variability, and social order. Como a construção desse circuito do qual o fato científico depende acontece de maneira dialética, torna-se impossível também afirmar ou definir um ponto de início de todo o processo, tanto do lado racional quanto do lado fenomênico dos eventos, ... Mas Bachelard (1940Bachelard ( /1978a) entende que, para ser possível a construção de um conceito e, consequentemente, de um conhecimento, deve ocorrer uma ruptura entre o conhecimento comum e vulgar e o conhecimento científico, estabelecendo-se uma fronteira entre um antes e um depois da racionalidade científica -um corte epistemológico. Bachelard dit vouloir opérer une rupture, remplacer la phénoménologie subjectiviste (Husserl) par la phénoménotechnique. Beginning with an overview of her life, and the challenges faced by a Jewish woman working within academia, the book goes on to discuss the most important themes of her historiography, and her engagement with other disciplines, notably general history, philosophy, ethnology and religious studies. Gayon, Jean. This is what Bachelard called "phenomeno-technology" (Bachelard 1971(Bachelard , 2002 Rheinberger 2005b; Diaz-Bone 2008). Download Full PDF Package . Il se réfère principalement à Kant, Piaget à Bachelard. Pp. Tout réel progrès dans la pensée scientifique nécessite une conversion. Il se réfère principalement à Kant, Piaget à Bachelard. Trouvé à l'intérieur â Page 94Si l'on suit des penseurs comme Bachelard , Koyré et Canguilhem , on peut défendre que ce projet historique garde une ... d'une diversité d'objets de savoir ( une phénoménotechnique , pour reprendre l'expression de Bachelard ) au sein ... The article deals with the discussions about the epistemological and methodological role of simulation in contemporary science. Vicariance et simulation 120 V PERSPECTIVES DE RECHERCHES 123 1. Ce qui coordonne le monde, ce ne sont pas les forces du passé, c'est l'harmonie tout en tension que le monde va réaliser. To support this point of view, some recent analyses of specific examples of simulations, and their specific status in modern science, are discussed in detail. Metzger, who was the leading historian of chemistry of her generation, left us unparalleled reflections on the theory, practice and aims of history writing. Chez lui, elle désigne la capacité de la science moderne à fabriquer les phénomènes grâce à des instruments techniques. This article provides an overview of the historical and philosophical context from which originated G. Bachelard's concept of ''phenomenotechnique''. The technique of reactivating the intentional acts in which sedimented formal systems originated is thus, in Fink's terminology, an archaeological method. You can request the full-text of this article directly from the authors on ResearchGate. » En 1934, c'était là proposer une . Analisamos o conceito de fenomenotécnica, cunhado por Bachelard, e sua relação com a racionalidade científica, para depois considerar os textos freudianos sobre a produção de conhecimento científico na Psicanálise e verificar em que pontos existe uma aproximação do pensamento desses dois autores. ", ... Svaret på dette spørsmålet er viktig fordi det hjelper til å gjenforene to ganske ulike syn som jeg har presentert i dette bidraget. Fourthly, I use Bachelard’s epistemology to show how the scientific object of ‘cognition’ is realized within the cognitive neurosciences. Pour une psychanalyse du bachelardisme . Cambridge Core - English Literature: General Interest - The Cambridge Companion to Literature and Science - edited by Steven Meyer. problems. For Foucault, drawing on Jacob's work, this was the opportunity to develop a transformed account of valuation by posing biopower as the DNA of society. Two of the biggest recipients of human biology funding in the 1920s were the research groups led by Raymond Pearl at Johns Hopkins University and Lawrence Henderson at Harvard, particularly its business school. Librairie generale francaise. Finally, such a strong distinction will be criticized and the argument will be made that both in Bachelard’s and Latour's thought both concepts are combined. La vérification e-mail a échoué, veuillez réessayer. Une autre approche du thème de l'écriture chez Bachelard consisterait à le rattacher à celui de la culture, de l'impersonnel et du non-psychologisme. I examine how and to what extent three French philosophers pursued non-Comtean insights into the relations between science and technology: some decades before the emerging STS wave that swept in as the 1970s wound down, they lent their attention to original aspects of these relations, acknowledging specific features of technology within a rationalistic view of science. This article, therefore, compares Bachelard's notion of phenomenotechnique with Duhem's developments on the double character of scientific instruments, and with Le Roy's claim that scientific facts are fabricated to meet the requirements of theory. But both are modified by Foucault in the light of Jean Cavaillès's critique of Husserl's theory of science. L'auteur révèle ici la densité méconnue du dialogue que Bachelard a entretenu avec la pensée de Husserl, et fait de la pensée bachelardienne un témoin de la séparation de plus en plus irrémédiable entre les données de l ... 37 Full PDFs related to this paper. Dijon, EUD/Centre Bachelard, 1986, 347 p., ISBN 2-905965-01- . It analyzes why phenomenotechnique is crucial for science studies. On pourrait parler d'une philosophie de l'ordre humain comme ordre des livres. L'histoire des doctrines philosophiques n'a guère changé sur ce point au moins depuis Platon. Discussions of translational research that rest on a distinction between basic research and its applications fail to capture the dynamics of this new domain of activity, insofar as application is built-in from the very beginning in the bio-clinical entities that emerge from the translational research domain. Due to scientific indeterminacy, oil exploration is malleable in the hands of powerful political representations that understate its possible impacts on marine socio-environments. Bachelard denkt dabei die Individualentwicklung des „wissenschaftlichen Geistes“ bzw. Bachelard advocated a philosophy instructed by science. The article adheres to the view that simulation is a new and specific tool of science that will also require new and specific methodology and epistemological assessment. Dagognet, François. Ce . Atelier Bachelard – La phénoménotechnique…. Landmarks in the History of Science is a concise history of science from a global and macro-historical standpoint. Paris. The importance of inter-cultural scientific syncretism is highlighted, with the Iberian Peninsula as meeting point and crossroad of mutual affection between Arab, Jewish and European culture. Son épistémologie s'actualise au contact des théories de la relativité et de la mécanique quantique. ———. We propose that 'artistic products' are process artefacts, which are of epistemic nature (epistemic-aesthetic things). 13–17 in Bachelard et l'épistémologie française. distinctions, especially between experiment and theory. They are "the results of impermissible abstractions that did not do justice to the complexity of the contemporary sciences. Le Nouvel Esprit scientifique (1934) analyse comment les « noumènes » (les structures mathématiques) sont réalisés par la « phénoménotechnique » (les dispositifs expérimentaux), les dispositifs expérimentaux.
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